UNT CVAD Opening Celebrated


October, 2019


On Thursday, October 10th the University of North Texas College of Visual Arts and Design celebrated their new and expanded home with an opening ceremony.

Speaking at the ceremony, Greg Watts, dean of the College of Visual Arts and Design, described the school’s intention and desires for this new building, "We've worked to design a building that functions around creativity and collaboration. We wanted a very porous structure that would encourage everyone from our UNT and Denton communities, and beyond, to be curious. And, in turn, have the opportunity to see what we do – to witness our practice."

Opening Ceremony

Machado Silvetti, in association with local architect-of-record Corgan designed the new building which includes both a significant renovation of the existing building and a new 130,000 square-foot addition. This new unifying home for the College accommodates over two thousand students in a 220,000 square-foot facility that sets a new standard in studio, workshop and teaching spaces for innovative and interdisciplinary arts and design education.

Rodolfo Machado and Stephanie Randazzo Dwyer were in attendance, representing Machado Silvetti. During the ceremony, Rodolfo had the opportunity to speak about the new building and his enjoyment working with UNT and the College of Visual Arts and Design.

Rodolfo along with David Zatopek of Corgan represented the design team at the ribbon cutting

Rodolfo and Stephanie (right) with CVAD Dean Greg Watts and Associate Dean Denise Baxter (left)

Rodolfo spoke about his experience working with CVAD

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