Concordia Cultural Complex

Cultural Significance in Building Reuse

The Concordia cultural complex is located in Concordia, a small city in the province of Entre Rios, Argentina. The project involves the conversion of a historic electrical plant (built in the early 20th century) into a 26,900 square foot cultural center that will serve the entire region. The design is the result of a comprehensive investigation on local cultural features, and on the relationship between the existing building and the urban fabric, as well as the significance of the plant in the collective memory of the city.

  • Client: Cooperativa Eléctrica y otros Servicios de Concordia Ltda

    Location: Concordia, Argentina

    Year: 2009

    Status: Unbuilt


Finding a New Plan in the Old

The existing building has a classical plan configuration, consisting of a high wide nave and two aisles on each side. However, the proportions and dimensions are not accurate, most likely because it was built to house an industrial program, and in a provincial context. Our intention is to correct and take advantage of the original architecture in order to create a vibrant and contemporary public building. First, the proposal includes a centrally located, multi-purpose grand hall. This flexible space can function as an exhibition hall, auditorium, public event venue and as a major gathering place. Second, the design creates a public library branch in the southwest side of the building that is connected to the basement where the stacks are located


Program & Restoration

Next, a small museum is situated near the main entrance, with display cases that can be seen from the grand hall, as well as from the new pedestrian passage providing access to the complex. Lastly, the existing office building, attached to the cultural complex, is remodeled and restored. Both the cultural center as well as the office building will be painted white, thus establishing a unified identity for the complex.


The design is the result of a comprehensive investigation on local cultural features, and on the relationship between the existing building and the urban fabric, as well as the significance of the plant in the collective memory of the city.



Beirut Roman Baths


Shady Hill School